Food supplements

We define food supplements specific products aimed at fostering the intake of certain nutrients not present in food of an improper diet.
Dietary supplements are recommended in cases where the body has a lack of certain foods: therefore have no healing properties, They are intended to integrate a normal diet, by supplementing it. For their nutritional properties, they should be consumed within safe limits (upper safe level: UL), taking into account the RDA (recommended dietary allowances), or the specialists recommendations.


Meal Replacement Supplements

They are low-calorie products, which are usually hired to keep the body weight under control, eliminating the normal meal and replacing it with drinks or other products containing the correct daily ration of nutrients.

vitamin supplements

Vitamin supplements should be consumed because, as a rule, the body does not produce vitamins but merely synthesize those existing in nature and ingested with food. Where the diet is not sufficient to achieve the required physiological ration to for the organism, vitamin supplements can play an important role in nutrition.
In all cases, need to be followed the doctor’s instructions, to avoid hypervitaminosis phenomena that may cause liver damage if you do not be able to expel the excess amount of vitamins.

The mineral supplements

Mineral Supplements, protein and amino acids also appear to be a useful contribution to the sports diet, as with sweating we lose a lot of salts (in addition to the normal toxins) and, in addition, the sport requires muscle mass always efficient.
Moreover, Protein supplements should be taken not thinking to accelerate muscle development, but to recover the losses and replenish the energy body and nutrients in a suitable manner, that is, to avoid fatigue and excessive tiredness.
Even in this case, an abuse of protein supplements involves unwanted side effects affecting the metabolism; eg., creatine causes kidneys’s fatigue.

The energy supplements

The supplements of this type are based on simple sugars and compounds, supplemented with B, C and E vitamins.
They are recommended where it is not possible or is not enough a normal diet, which includes eg. bread and jam, biscuits, cakes, cereals, potatoes.
The energy supplements promote some "involuntary activities" (heartbeat, breathing, digestion, maintaining body temperature, etc.).



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